Creative Illustration
Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Graphic Design
Creative Illustration Details
Review “Creative Illustration is a 300 page tome bursting at the seams with essentials of image creation and Andrew Loomis’ beautiful work, sage advice and straightforward instruction.” – Lines and Colors Read more About the Author Andrew Loomis was born in 1892. After studying art, he moved to Chicago where he eventually opened his own studio - working in editorial and advertising for most of the top clients of the time, including Kellog's, Coca Cola, Lucky Strike and many others.He also became renowned as an art teacher and his instructional books on illustration and art are acclaimed classics in the field. He died in 1959. Read more
This book quickly became my most important go-to book on the business and craft of illustration. There are an abundance of tips on generating ideas, improving skill sets, advice on standing out from the crowd to get work as a freelancer. The information and examples on composition, perspective, forms, and design are essential and amazing, and not to be found in my other books (and I have a lot!). I bought every book by him and am learning so much.I am a self taught artist, and every thing I have learned has been hard won. Books like this by Andrew Loomis and others have made the journey much easier.